Contracts & Intellectual Property Unit

The Authority for Research and Development handles researcher level specific agreements, e.g: research related grants, research collaborations, material transfer, data transfer, intellectual property related etc.)

Research agreements include details, depending on the type of agreement,  on the research activities to be undertaken; nature of research collaboration; budget and eligible costs; the mechanisms of publication of research results; the uses of pre-existing knowledge and intellectual property; provisions for the allocation, management, protection, exploitation and further development of the intellectual property rights generated in the research project and legal provisions supporting such matters.

The University Legal Department closely monitors the process of signing these agreements.


Please see the following information on agreement types and the relevant unit for handling at The Authority for Research and Development:

  • For any international research grants funded by an international funding body (excluding the European Union) or Bi-national research grants: Please contact the International Desk 
  • For research grants funded by an Israeli funding body: Please contact the Israel Desk 
  • For any other type of research related agreements, including: material transfer agreements, data transfer agreements, intellectual property related agreements, collaboration agreement not related to a specific grant or general inquires, please contact the Contracts & Intellectual Property Unit