Some Important Points for Conducting Research Involving Human Subjects:
To the extent that a vulnerable population is involved – approval must be obtained in advance from the authority/institution responsible for that particular population group (such as the Ministry of Education, the Prison Service, the Ministry of Defence etc.). Such approval constitutes an alternative to approval from the University committee that approves the research.
It must be determined in advance whether the funder requires a review of the application according to the IRB standard (or its European equivalent), and the application must be sumitted to the relevant committee accordingly.
In the event of a mishap or the post facto discovery of a risk to those involved in the research – the committee that approved the research must be informed immediately.
A copy of the approval of the application must be submitted to the Authority for Research and Development.
The original approval must be retained for review by the funders or the State authorities.
Any person submitting an application for ethical approval must undergo training in ethics in research through the CITI program.
Submitting an Application for the Approval of the Ethics Committee
An application for the approval of committees for ethics in research will be subitted using the standard form that can be downloaded here.
Researchers, teachers, graduate and post-graduate students whose research involves human subjects require a certificate proving that they have undergone ethics training. As of the 2012-2013 academic year, the ethics committees will not approve applications of researchers for a grant or of students for research who do not have a valid certificate attesting to their having undergone ethics training.
Research Activity in the Framework of Teaching
Research proposals of students in the framework of research seminars will be examined and approved by the teachers of the course and an additional teacher from the department. Responsibility for receiving approval from the additional teacher lies with the teacher of the course, who will be asked to notify the chairman of the faculty ethics committee of approval of research proposals. The teachers approving research proposals in the framework of their teaching, too, will be required to undergo training for ethics in research through the CITI program.