University R&D Committees

Academic responsibility for R&D matters at the university is divided between a number of committees.

The composition of the committees that appear in the following links is updated regularly as the information on changes is  submitted to the R&D Authority.


The Executive Committee of the R&D Authority

The Executive committee is a university panel that outlines the university's research policies,  guides the management of the authority, and supervises the activities of the authority.


Members of the Executive Committee of the R&D Authority

Status in Committee  Title Name
chairman President of the University  Asher Cohen Prof.
member Vice President and CEO Yishay Frenkel Mr.
member Rector of the University Tamir Sheafer Prof.
member Vice President, Authority for Research & Devlopment  Aharon Palmon Prof.
member Acting Director, Authority for Research & Devlopment  Hani Ben Yehuda Ms.
member Representative of the Faculty of Mathematics & Sciences Danny Porat Prof.
member Repreresentative of the Faculty of Medicine Chaim Rozen Prof.
member Repreresentative of the Faculty of Agriculture Masha Niv Prof.
member Repreresentative of the Faculty of Social Sciences Maya Tamir Prof.
observer Director of Finance Yaniv Cohen Mr.
observer Yissum CEO Itzik Goldwaser Dr.
observer Director of the External Relations Department Ram Semo Mr.


Ethics Committees for Non-Medical Studies in Humans

The purpose of the ethics committees for research involving humans  is to assess the extent to which research proposals submitted to them meet the ethical and legal standards  required by the competent authorities at the university and/or the bodies funding research grants.

Any study involving humans  is subject to approval by a Faculty Ethics Committee, prior to its commencement.


Faculty Committees


Committee members are appointed by the Dean of the Faculty. The committee chair must be a senior researcher. The committees chair will consult with the chair of the University Committee for the Use of Human Subjects in Research when necessary.

The Faculty Committee discusses requests for approval for studies involving humans in the following cases:

  1. Research proposals from faculty members
  2. Proposals for master's and doctoral dissertations
  3. Appeals regarding the approval of teaching-related research proposals 
  4. Cases of accidents or of risk to participants that were discovered post-approval and brought to the attention of the Faculty and/or the Executive Committee


List of the Faculty Committee chairs:

Faculty Chair  Email
Education Yehuda Pollak Prof.
Agriculture Daniel Barkan Prof.
Social Sciences Ilan Yaniv Prof.
Computer Science and Engineering Katerina Ligett Prof.
Humanities Liat Kozma Prof.
Business Administration Sharon Arieli Dr.
Law Nadera Kevorkian Prof.
Social Work Maya Benish-Weisman Prof.
Medicine,  Dental Medicine Naama Keshet Dr.


The University Committee for the Use of Human Subjects in Research


Chair of the University Committee for the Use of Human Subjects in Research:

Prof. Yaffa Zisk,


Members of the University Committee for the Use of Human Subjects in Research are appointed by the Rector of the University. The committee discusses approval requests for studies in the following cases:

  • Approval of research proposals for funders that require the US federal IRB standard *, which must be renewed annually.
  • Precedent requests submitted from the Faculty Committees.
  • Requests that exceed the authority of the Faculty Committees, such as studies involving vulnerable populations, e.g. children, pregnant women, legal dependents, soldiers, prisoners and the disabled.
  • As an appellate authority for  the decision of a faculty committee.
  • In cases of accidents or risks to participants discovered post-approval and brought to the committee’s attention.

In the case of an appeal hearing on a decision of a Faculty Committee, the decision of the University Committee for the Use of Human Subjects in Research is final.  For any other hearing, the decision of the University Committee for the Use of Human Subjects in Research may be appealed. In this case, the committee will discuss the matter again and  will render a final decision.


* The committee acts as an Institutional Review Board (IRB), and is committed to the rules for composition and defined modes of operation as  described on the NIH website. Various funders, especially the NIH, require adherence to such a standards as a condition for funding research that they sponsor. The University Committee for the Use of Human Subjects in Research holds Federal Wide Assurance (FWA) from the NIH.



General Regulations

Each committee must maintain orderly records of all of its activities, and these records must be kept for at least seven years. The University Committee for the Use of Human Subjects in Research will likewise maintain its minutes. The documentation to be stored must include:

  • Committee compositions and appointment dates  for each member
  • Work rules and information on the decision-making process
  • Application receipt dates hearing details and decision statements
  • Dates of notifications to the applicants of committee decisions
  • The decision statements sent to the applicants


Ethics committee for Animal Treatment and Experiments

The Committee works on behalf of the university administration to ensure full compliance with the provisions of the Animal Cruelty Act and the regulations of the Animal Experiments Council. The Committee's responsibilities include disseminating updated regulations, supervision of relevant facilities, verifying the availability of training and certification for dealing with animals, and monitoring the scientific integrity of the experiments.


Faculty Research Committees


The Committees operate in the faculties and independent schools and are responsible for the research activities within them. They cooperate with the Research and Development Authority on behalf of the units comprising the faculties or schools. Each unit is headed by a Committee Chair (academic staff member, or sometimes the Deputy Dean for research) and an administrative staff member serves as the Coordinator for each Committee. 


List of Faculty Research Committees

Faculty Name Title Phone Email
Education Avital Deutsch Prof. Chair  02-5881026
  Saskia de Haan Ms. Coordinator 02-5882022
Agriculture Zvi Hayouka Prof. Chair 08-9489019
  Sivan Yagel Ms. Coordinator 08-9489383
Social Sciences Maya Tamir Prof. Chair 02-5883025
  Ronit Rabi Ben-Shitrit Coordinator 02-588-1470
Science Danny Porath Prof. Chair 02-6586948
  Hofit froimovitz Ms. Coordinator 02-6585355
Humanities Elisheva Baumgarten Prof. Chair 02-5880422
  Merav Yaacobi Ms. Coordinator 02-5883502
Business Administration Gur Mosheiov Prof. Chair 02-5883073
  Limor Ben-Yossef Ms. Coordinator 02-5880403
Law Michal Shur-Ofri Prof. Chair 02-5882528
  Liza Nezlobin Ms. Coordinator 02-5882537
Social Work Michal Almog-Bar Prof. Chair 02-5882113
  Hadas Sandman Ms. Coordinator 02-5882205
Medicine Yossi Tam Prof. Chair 02-6757645
  Anat Reches Ms. Coordinator 02-6758069
Dental Medicine Avi-Hay Hovav Prof. Chair 02-6758802