Research Policy

The Research Mission

Since its inception in 1925, the Hebrew University has considered research as one of its foremost goals. The University was established in the tradition of the classic research institutions, where members of the faculty are expected to be actively involved in research on an international level. The University constantly strives to maintain its status as a leader in research in Israel and justify its international reputation for high-level research.

Moreover, the research at the University aims to increase the knowledge and understading of the world, both in the experimental and theortical science, and the same time, the University wishes to distribute new knowledge in favor of the world and humanity. For these purposes the University outlined a clear and promoting policy regarding its research activities.

The Research Objectives

The University's research policy aims to increase the scope of the research activities, to improve scientific output and efficiency, in accordance with the interests and resources of the institution. This policy aims:

  • to increase the number of faculty members conducting research
  • to increase the range of areas under investigation
  • to increase the scope of specialization of each individual researcher
  • to increase the number and quality of publications and patents
  • to improve the ratio between investment and output in scientific activity
  • maximal commercial exploitation of the products of the research

These goals are sought within the framework of available Israeli and international research funding, and by utilizing the University’s scientific infrastructure, facilities and equipment, subject to the relevant laws and regulations governing research in Israel and the University.

Basic Principles of the Research

​The University research policy is based on the following principles:​

  • Research is conducted by faculty members, working independently and with full academic freedom.
  • The University strives to recruit and employ faculty with the highest research potential.
  • The University continually invests resources to develop and maintain the necessary infrastructure for research to meet the highest competitive international standards.
  • All researchers are expected to seek funding for their research by submitting research proposals to external funding sources.
  • The University contributes to the running expenses of faculty research through a variety of intramural funding resources.
  • Allotment of intramural research resources is done by clear criteria and is fully transparent.
  • Each investigator is responsible for all academic and administrative aspects of his research and is assisted by a staff of professional research administrators.

Intellectual Property Policy

The University expects all research to produce new information whether theoretical or practical in nature. The University encourages its investigators to publish their discoveries, results and inventions for the benefit of mankind while at the same time maintaining its commercial rights to all such knowledge in order thereby to increase funding for (further) research. University policy is based on the following:​

  • ​​All rights to intellectual property produced during the conduct of research at the University belong solely to the institution, in accordance with relevant Israeli legislation (e.g., Israel Patents Law and Copyright Act).
  • The University shares earnings from the sale of intellectual property with the researchers who produced it and with their departments.
  • Management of intellectual property issues requires professional expertise; hence all aspects of intellectual property are the responsibility of the Yissum Research Development Company, a commercial enterprise established for this purpose by the University.

The operative regulations relating to these policies are set out in Administrative Guidelines 15-001 and ​​15-011.

Maintaining Standards

In addition to complying with the laws of Israel, the University and its researchers are also committed to a set of standards regarding the workplace. These standards aim to improve the research environment and to adapt it both to the needs of modern science and to the values of an enlightened society. These standards stem from state laws, international agreements and conventions, and/or the requirements of funding agencies. The maintenance of these standards is a basic condition for conducting research at the Hebrew University, regarding:

  • Care and Experimentation with Animals
  • Human Medical Experimentation
  • Non-Medical Experimentation Involving Human Subjects
  • Scientific Integrity
  • Safety Standards
  • Security Standards
  • Sound Management Practices
  • Drug Free Environment