The University provides mobile phones and participates in current expenses for some of its workers, subject to recognition of the need for the device for their job. An academic staff members who does not serve simultaneously in a managerial position that qualifies for funding and possessing a university device may possess a University mobile phone and fund the cost of using it from the Science Relations Fundation alone, or if the unit (faculty / institute, etc.) decides to fund it from their current budget. The supply of the devices to University workers and researchers, and the formulation of policies and conditions of use are the responsibility of the Computing Authority.
In exceptional cases only, receipt and use of a University mobile phone at the expense of a research budget will be examined, through a request to the Head of the Financial Unit at the Authority for Research and Development, who has been authorized to handle this matter by the Vice President for Research and Development, in accordance with the following conditions:
In research budgets funded by external funding bodies
- The funder has approved in writing the purchase and maintenance of a mobile phone for the researcher or his staff as part of the approved research project budget.
- There is a sufficient balance in the given research budget to cover the total cost of the device and its maintenance for the entire research period.
In the budgets of the Intramural Funds
- In general, the purchase and maintenance of a University mobile phone may not be funded from budgets allocated by the Intramural Funds Desk, excluding:
- In a research center's budgets - for the academic director of the center only, and only for the duration of his tenure. At the end of the tenure, the funding will be cut from the center's budget or transferred to the incoming director.
- In budgets of University chairs - only for the incumbent and only for the duration of his occupancy of the chair.
- In this regard, research centers' budgets funded by the Minerva Foundation as well as research budgets from Yissum Co. are subject to the above external research budgets.
Budgeting Rules
If funding for a University mobile phone from a research budget is approved, the budgeting will be effected with classification 6002002 only. The charges on the research budget will be made in accordance with the terms of the funder and according to the following rules:
- The purchase and possession of the device will be subject to the conditions and tariffs set by the management of the University and the Computing Authority, as specified on the website of the Computing Authority.
- Any deviation from the costs approved by the funder and/or by the Computing Authority will be charged to the researcher's credit card.