The main goal of the European Research Council (ERC) is to encourage high quality research in Europe through competitive funding. ERC grants support individual researchers who wish to pursue their frontier research. The ERC particularly encourages proposals that cross disciplinary boundaries, pioneering ideas that address new and emerging fields and applications that introduce unconventional, innovative approaches.
There are three ERC funding schemes (and one additional scheme for ERC holders).

Are you eligible? Please check your eligibility with this calculation tool.


ERC Starting Grants

Support top researchers with 2 to 7 years of experience after their PhD
Grants amount up to €1.5 million for five years
(with an additional €1 million if moving from a Third Country, heavy equipment or access to large facilities needed)
Success Rates: 18% at HUJI, 14% in Europe.
The upcoming deadline is due: October 2025

Remuneration for Conducting ResearchType A

Call for Proposals   Guidelines & Forms  

ERC Consolidator Grants

Support top researchers with 7 to 12 years of experience after their PhD
Grants amount up to €2 million for five years
(with an additional €1 million if moving from a Third Country, heavy equipment or access to large facilities needed)
Success Rates: 21% at HUJI, 14% in Europe
The upcoming deadline is due: January 2026 (Tentative) 

Remuneration for Conducting ResearchType A

Call for Proposals   Guidelines & Forms  

ERC Advanced Grants

Open to excellent established researchers who have a recent research track record which identifies them as leaders in their respective field of research
Grants amount up to €2.5 million for five years (Lump Sum)
(with an additional €1 million if moving from a Third Country, heavy equipment or access to large facilities needed )
Success Rates: 12% at HUJI, 11% in Europe
The upcoming deadline is due: 28 August 2025

Remuneration for Conducting ResearchType A

Call for Proposals  Guidelines & Forms 

ERC Synergy Grants

Support 2-4 top researchers, must demonstrate the synergies, complementarities and added value that could lead to breakthroughs that would not be possible by the individual Principal Investigators working alone.
Grants amount up to €10 million for six years
(with an additional €4 million if moving from a Third Country, heavy equipment or access to large facilities needed )
Success Rates: 9% at HUJI, 9% in Europe
The upcoming deadline is due: November 2025

Remuneration for Conducting ResearchType A

Call for Proposals   Guidelines & Forms  

ERC Proof of Concept

The ERC's Proof of Concept Grants are a complementary funding only on offer to Principal Investigators that already benefit from an ERC main research grant (Starting Grant, Consolidator Grant, Advanced Grant or Synergy Grant).
The ERC PoC Grants aim at facilitating exploration of the commercial and social innovation potential of ERC funded research.
Grants amount up to €150,000 for 18 months (Lump Sum).
Success Rates: 40% at HUJI, 38% in Europe
The upcoming deadline is due: 13 March 2025, 18 September 2025

Remuneration for Conducting ResearchType A

Call for Proposals   Guidelines & Forms 

Previous Awardees


Awards since 2007



Researcher Programme PI's Faculty
Schneidman Dina ERC Consolidator Grant School of Computer Science and Engineering
Greenberg Yoel ERC Consolidator Grant Humanities
Frenkel-Pinter Moran                              ERC Starting Grant                              Sciences
Mamou Gideon ERC Starting Grant Medicine
Ben Johanan Karma ERC Starting Grant Humanities
Lifshitz Noam ERC Starting Grant Sciences
Komargodski Ilan ERC Starting Grant School of Computer Science and Engineering



Researcher Programme PI's Faculty
Kazhdan David ERC Advanced Grant Sciences
Linial Nathan (Nati) ERC Advanced Grant School of Computer Science and Engineering
Niehoff Maren ERC Advanced Grant Humanities
Ram Oren ERC Consolidator Grant Sciences
Furstenberg Yair ERC Consolidator Grant Humanities
Ligett Katrina ERC Consolidator Grant School of Computer Science and Engineering
Zohar Erez ERC Consolidator Grant Sciences
Stone Nicholas ERC Consolidator Grant Sciences
Anahory Yonathan ERC Consolidator Grant Sciences
Katz Guy ERC Starting Grant School of Computer Science and Engineering
Umschweif Gali ERC Starting Grant Medicine
Atzil Shir ERC Starting Grant Social Sciences
Bekenstein Rivka ERC Starting Grant Sciences
Stein Tamar ERC Starting Grant Sciences
Breker-Dekel Michal ERC Starting Grant Sciences
Basu Raunak ERC Starting Grant The Edmond & Lily Safra Center for Brain Sciences (ELSC)
Gidron Noam ERC Starting Grant Social Sciences
Sharon Daniel ERC Starting Grant Sciences
Hershkovits Or ERC Starting Grant Sciences




Researcher Programme PI's Faculty
Levi-Faur David ERC Advanced grants Social Sciences
Benish Weisman Maya ERC Consolidator grants School of Social Work and Social Welfare
Schlank Tomer ERC Consolidator grants Sciences
Bar-Gill Nir ERC Consolidator grants Sciences
Alkouby Yaniv ERC Consolidator grants Medicine
Rosenwasser Shilo ERC Consolidator grants Agriculture
Ben Zvi Ayal ERC Consolidator grants Medicine
Goshen Inbal ERC Consolidator grants The Edmond & Lily Safra Center for Brain Sciences (ELSC)
Hart Yuval ERC Consolidator grants Social Sciences
Omer David ERC Synergy grants The Edmond & Lily Safra Center for Brain Sciences (ELSC)
Barak-Corren Netta ERC Starting grants Law
Shnidman Ari ERC Starting grants Sciences
Ben-Yakov Aya ERC Starting grants The Edmond & Lily Safra Center for Brain Sciences (ELSC)
Nachmani Daphna ERC Starting grants Sciences
Harel Itamar ERC Starting grants Sciences
Finkel Omri ERC Starting grants Sciences
Schwartz-Ziv Miriam ERC Starting grants Business School
Shlezinger Neta ERC Starting grants Agriculture


Researcher Programme PI's Faculty
Shany Yuval ERC Advanced grants Law
Kupferman Orna ERC Advanced grants School of Computer Science and Engineering
Piran Tsvi ERC Advanced grants Sciences
Balaban Nathalie ERC Advanced grants Sciences
Segev Gil ERC Consolidators grants School of Computer Science and Engineering
Adiprasito Karim ERC Consolidators grants Mathematics & Sciences
Hochberg Yonit ERC Starting grants Mathematics & Sciences
Nitzan Mor ERC Starting grants School of Computer Science and Engineering
Weinstein Omri ERC Starting grants School of Computer Science and Engineering
Daniely Amit ERC Starting grants School of Computer Science and Engineering
Gilad Ariel ERC Starting grants Medicine


Researcher Programme PI's Faculty
Friedman Nir ERC Advanced grants Mathematics & Sciences
School of Computer Science and Engineering
Katz Ori ERC Consolidators grants Mathematics & Sciences
Ricci Ronit ERC Consolidators grants Humanities
Gabbay Uri ERC Consolidators grants Humanities
Burak Yoram ERC Synergy grants Center for Brain Sciences (ELSC)
Mathematics & Sciences
Buller Ariel ERC Starting grants Humanities
Goldstein Ido ERC Starting grants Agriculture
Koloska Hannelies ERC Starting grants Humanities
The Martin Buber Society of Fellows
Mansour Abed A. ERC Starting grants Medicine
Adam Yoav ERC Starting grants Center for Brain Sciences (ELSC)
Drier Yotam ERC Starting grants Medicine



Researcher Programme PI’s Faculty
Ben-Neriah Yinon ERC Advanced grants Medicine
Shelach-Lavi Gideon ERC Advanced grants     Humanities
Lubotzky Alexander ERC Advanced grants     Sciences
Moran Yehu ERC Consolidators grants Sciences
Halperin Eran ERC Consolidators grants Social Sciences
Shahaf Dafna ERC Starting grants     School of Computer Science & Engineering
Tulchinsky Yuri ERC Starting grants Sciences
Habib Naomi ERC Starting grants Center for Brain Sciences (ELSC)
Landau Ayelet ERC Starting grants Social Sciences
Rabani Michal ERC Starting grants Sciences
Lewis Orly ERC Starting grants Humanities (The Martin Buber Society of Fellows)
Gidron Ori ERC Starting grants Sciences



Researcher Programme PI's Faculty
Margalit Hanah ERC Advanced grants Medicine
Ahissar Merav ERC Advanced grants Center for Brain Sciences (ELSC)
Social Sciences
Lindenstrauss Elon ERC Advanced grants Sciences
Shifman Limor ERC Consolidators grants Social Sciences
Schwartz Oded ERC Consolidators grants School of Computer Science and Engineering
Ben-Yehuda Sigal & Rosenshine Ilan ERC Synergy grants Medicine
Ben-Nun Bloom Pazit ERC Starting grants Social Sciences
Tenenboim-Weinblatt Keren ERC Starting grants Social Sciences
Shaar Ron ERC Starting grants Sciences
Anahory Yonathan ERC Starting grants Sciences
The Center for Nanoscience & Nanotechnology
Gross Elad ERC Starting grants Sciences
The Center for Nanoscience & Nanotechnology
Goshen Inbal ERC Starting grants Center for Brain Sciences (ELSC)
Ben-Zvi Danny ERC Starting grants Medicine



Researcher Programme PI's Faculty
Shulman David ERC Advanced grants Humanities
Eberhard Gross ERC Advanced grants Mathematics & Sciences
Galun Eithan ERC Advanced grants Medicine
Hadassah Hebrew University Hospital
Benny Ofra ERC Starting grants Medicine
Joshua Mati ERC Starting grants Center for Brain Sciences (ELSC)
Parnas Oren ERC Starting grants Medicine
Rokni Dan ERC Starting grants Medicine
Amedi Amir ERC Consolidators grants Medicine
Center for Brain Sciences (ELSC)
Retzker Alex ERC Consolidators grants Mathematics & Sciences
Temkin Michael ERC Consolidators grants Mathematics & Sciences
Citri Ami ERC Consolidators grants Mathematics & Sciences
Center for Brain Sciences (ELSC)


Researcher Programme PI's Faculty
Doron Edit ERC Advanced grants Humanities
Banin Uri ERC Advanced grants Mathematics & Sciences
Nisan Noam ERC Advanced grants Mathematics & Sciences
Ram Oren ERC Starting grants Mathematics & Sciences
Bar Gill Nir ERC Starting grants Mathematics & Sciences
Adiprasito Karim ERC Starting grants Mathematics & Sciences
Segev Gil ERC Starting grants Mathematics & Sciences
Guy Ron ERC Starting grants Mathematics & Sciences
Affek Hagit ERC Consolidators Grant Mathematics & Sciences
Hellman Asaf ERC Consolidators Grant Medicine
Kozma Liat ERC Consolidators Grant Humanities



Researcher Programme PI's Faculty
Lubotzky Alex ERC Advanced grants Mathematics & Sciences
Piran Tsvi ERC Advanced grants Mathematics & Sciences
Frost Ram ERC Advanced grants Social Sciences
Baumgarten Elisheva ERC Consolidators grants Humanities
Tshuva Edit ERC Consolidators grants Mathematics & Sciences
Ziegler Tamar ERC Consolidators grants Mathematics & Sciences
Balaban Nathalie ERC Consolidators grants Mathematics & Sciences
Nahmias Yaakov ERC Consolidators grants Mathematics & Sciences
Aqeilan Rami ERC Consolidators grants Medicine
Buganim Yossi ERC Starting grants Medicine
Garfinkel Chaim ERC Starting grants Mathematics & Sciences
Katz Ori ERC Starting grants Mathematics & Sciences
Schapira Michael ERC Starting grants Mathematics & Sciences
Schapiro Igor ERC Starting grants Mathematics & Sciences
Shalev-Shwartz Shai ERC Starting grants Mathematics & Sciences
Tam Yossi ERC Starting grants Medicine
Buxboim Amnon ERC Starting grants Mathematics & Sciences



Researcher Programme PI's Faculty
Kazhdan David ERC Advanced grants Mathematics & Sciences
Goldberg Joshua ERC Consolidators grants Medicine
Kadener Sebastian ERC Consolidators grants Mathematics & Sciences
Levy Uriel ERC Consolidators grants Mathematics & Sciences
Moran Yehu ERC Starting grants Mathematics & Sciences
Steinberg Hadar ERC Starting grants Mathematics & Sciences



Researcher Programme PI's Faculty
Ben-Yehuda Sigal ERC Advanced grants Medicine
Diner Dan ERC Advanced grants Humanities
Friedman Nir ERC Advanced grants Mathematics & Sciences
Linial Nati ERC Advanced grants Mathematics & Sciences
Nelken Israel ERC Advanced grants Mathematics & Sciences
Center for Brain Sciences (ELSC)
Shelah Saharon ERC Advanced grants Mathematics & Sciences
Bethlehem Louise ERC Consolidators grants Humanities
Dzikowski Ron ERC Consolidators grants Medicine
Mizrahi Adi ERC Consolidators grants Mathematics & Sciences
Center for Brain Sciences (ELSC)
Blum Galia ERC Starting grants Medicine
Fattal Raanan ERC Starting grants Mathematics & Sciences
Hawlena Dror ERC Starting grants Mathematics & Sciences
Kaganovitch Dan ERC Starting grants Mathematics & Sciences
Katz Nadav ERC Starting grants Mathematics & Sciences
Shayo Moshe ERC Starting grants Social Sciences
Solomon Jake ERC Starting grants Mathematics & Sciences
Zaslaver Alon ERC Starting grants Mathematics & Sciences



Researcher Programme PI's Faculty
Bergman Hagai ERC Advanced grants Medicine
Center for Brain Sciences (ELSC)
Kalai Gil ERC Advanced grants Mathematics & Sciences
Keshet Eli ERC Advanced grants Medicine
Lavy Victor ERC Advanced grants Social Sciences
Mandelboim Ofer ERC Advanced grants Medicine
Margalit Hanah ERC Advanced grants Medicine
Soreq Hermona ERC Advanced grants Mathematics & Sciences
Amedi Amir ERC Starting grants Medicine
Center for Brain Sciences (ELSC)
Biran Michal ERC Starting grants Humanities
Furman Ora ERC Starting grants Medicine
Hochman Michael ERC Starting grants Mathematics & Sciences
Strasser Daniel ERC Starting grants Mathematics & Sciences



Researcher Programme PI's Faculty
Ben Neriah Yinon ERC Advanced grants Medicine
Hrushovski Ehud ERC Advanced grants Mathematics & Sciences
Kaplan Yosef ERC Advanced grants Humanities
Zamir Daniel ERC Advanced grants Agriculture
Aharonov Dorit ERC Starting grants Mathematics & Sciences
Braslavsky Ido ERC Starting grants Agriculture
Cohen Ehud ERC Starting grants Medicine
Gross Einav ERC Starting grants Medicine
Kupferman Orna ERC Starting grants Mathematics & Sciences
Meshorer Eran ERC Starting grants Mathematics & Sciences
Center for Brain Sciences (ELSC)
Pikarsky Eli ERC Starting grants Medicine
Simon Itamar



Researcher Programme PI's Faculty
Cedar Haim ERC Advanced grants Medicine
Fineberg Jay ERC Advanced grants Mathematics & Sciences
Lindenstrauss Elon ERC Advanced grants Mathematics & Sciences
Willner Itamar ERC Advanced grants Mathematics & Sciences
Balaban Nathalie ERC Starting grants Mathematics & Sciences
Binshtok Alexander ERC Starting grants Medicine
Center for Brain Sciences (ELSC)
Dor Yuval ERC Starting grants Medicine
Kadener Sebastian ERC Starting grants Mathematics & Sciences
Kedar Orit ERC Starting grants Social Sciences
Kremer Ilan ERC Starting grants Business Administration
Kulik Alexander ERC Starting grants Humanities
Maciejko Pawel ERC Starting grants Humanities
Yerushalmi Roie ERC Starting grants Mathematics & Sciences



Researcher Programme PI's Faculty
Banin Uri ERC Advanced grants Mathematics & Sciences
Hart Sergiu ERC Advanced grants Mathematics & Sciences
Kazdhan David ERC Advanced grants Mathematics & Sciences
Kuehnel Bianca ERC Advanced grants Humanities
Levitzki Alexander ERC Advanced grants Mathematics & Sciences
Shalev Aner ERC Advanced grants Mathematics & Sciences
Berger Noam ERC Starting grants Mathematics & Sciences
Knafo Ariel ERC Starting grants Social Sciences
Nahmias Yaakov ERC Starting grants Mathematics & Sciences
Sharon Eran ERC Starting grants Mathematics & Sciences
Tshuva Edit ERC Starting grants Mathematics & Science



Researcher Programme PI's Faculty
Friedman Nir ERC Advanced grants Mathematics & Sciences
Lubotzky Alex ERC Advanced grants Mathematics & Sciences
Piran Tsvi ERC Advanced grants Mathematics & Sciences



Researcher Programme PI's Faculty
Ben Yehuda Sigal ERC Starting grants Medicine
Friedler Assaf ERC Starting grants Mathematics & Sciences
Gelander Zachik ERC Starting grants Mathematics & Sciences
Mizrahi Adi ERC Starting grants Mathematics & Sciences
Center for Brain Sciences (ELSC)
Sari Reem ERC Starting grants Mathematics & Sciences
Shany Yuval ERC Starting grants Law