START SUBMISSION - Starting Call 2026
START SUBMISSION - Consolidator Call 2025
Call Documents
- Information for applicants 2025
- Work program 2025
- ERC Evaluation Procedure and Criteria
- Primary Panel Structure
- PhD reference date and eligibility extension
Tips & Instructions
- Proposal Structure and Evaluation Process description
- Budget instructions
- Write a successful proposal
- Template B1 Starting Grants - 2026
- Template B2 Starting Grants - 2026
- Template B1 Consolidator Grants - 2025
- Template B2 Consolidator Grants - 2025
- Budget Template Excel
Choosing the Panel
Choosing the panel to which you will submit your proposal is extremely important.
To help you decide, please check previous ERC STG and ERC COG panel members, which alternates every two years, to estimate your panel members.
Funded Projects Abstracts
You can read about funded projects by year, funding scheme, and panel in the ERC Funded Projects page.